Friday, 16 January 2015

What's your ideal pair of jeans?

There's so many different styles and colours of jeans out there at the moment it can be hard to find a pair that are ideal for you. In this post I'm going to show you and selection of five of the most popular style of jean at the moment and the perfect ways to style them and when to wear them.

1. Skinny

skinny jean
From left to right
H&M stretch skinny jeans £13
Topshop dark denim skinny jeans £59
Jack Wills stretch skinny jeans £52
J Brand mid-rise jeans £47
As the Guardian states the skinny jean is 'the fashion trend that refuses to die' therefore it's important have at least one quality pair of skinny jeans that will last you over the years because this trend is not going anywhere any time soon! For me, Topshop skinny jeans are perfection, they're super comfortable, come in a range of colours and last a really long time. The skinny jean suits almost every body shape and goes with any outfit, they're the idea pair of jeans!

2. Super High-Waisted

high waisted jeans
From Left to Right
H&M cotton pants £13
Topshop high rise skinny jeans £38
American Apparel black slim fit jeans  £60
Topshop high rise skinny jeans £38
Ok, now I can talk about how much I love super high waisted jeans forever and ever, I simply adore them. These jeans are perfect for shorter girls with a bit of a tummy they would like to keep a secret as these jean can suck in your stomach whilst still being super comfortable. I own 2 pairs of the Topshop Joni jeans and they're my go to jeans as they can be worn with crop tops, regular length tops and jumpers. Super high waisted jeans and a crop top is always effortlessly stylish.

3. Boyfriend

the Boyfriend jean
From Left to Right
Topshop destroyed jeans £55
MANGO destroyed jeans £46
River Island ripped jeans £40
To most people the Boyfriend jean can look very scary, they slightly scare me too. They're super baggy on the legs especially if you're used to wearing skinny jeans 24/7 and are low-rise jeans. Finding the perfect boyfriend jeans for your body shape is very trial and error however once you find them styling them is easy and they look perfect with a simply over sized t-shirt or tighter fitting crop top and show in the Kylie Jenner Style Inspiration post. They're super comfortable as they're baggy on the leg and can create a super laid back, relaxed look.

4. Mom

mom jean
From Left to Right
ASOS jeans £50
MOTO Black Wash Mom Jeans £40
BDG relaxed fit jeans £48

Mom jeans are very similar to boyfriend jeans as they have a 90's vibe however they're high waisted unlike the boyfriend jean which is the reason i much prefer them. Mom jeans look perfect with a tight cropped top and little black booties and are on of the reasons I loved the 90's trend so much this past year and I intend to wear mom jeans for a very long time.

5. Flared

flared jeans SS15
From Left to Right
Flare jeans £33
River Island flare jeans £45
Free People slim fit jeans £51
Topshop jeans 40
Over the past week this particular style of jeans has started to take over my blog as the 70's are back!
Flared jeans may seem super unusual right now but keep your eyes open because they're going to be seen worn everywhere as they're back for 2015. In my opinion, out of all the different style of jeans these are the 'smartest' and they do tend to look more formal especially dark-washed flared jeans which I suppose is a plus because you can get away with wearing jeans to work! They are low-rise so aren't perfect for you high-waisted lover like me and hey, why not step out your comfort zone and give it a go?

What's your favourite style of jean?



  1. I love skinny jeans so much! I am now following you :D

  2. i love high waisted skinny jeans & ones with holes in them! thanks for your comment, followed you via gfc & bloglovin :)

    xx danielle // shades of danielle // bloglovin

  3. I love skinny high waisted jeans! They make my legs look a bit longer probably..
    Tegan xx - Permanent Procrastination

  4. Skinny jeans are literally never going to disappear, they are too much of a staple! High waisted jeans are my fave, I don't wear anything that isn't high waisted these days!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty Blog

  5. Skinny high waisted jeans are amazing! I love wearing crop tops so as an outfit they look great together. I also wear high waisted shorts. I love how they make my legs look

    Hope xx

  6. Hi! I love the high waisted jeans and topshop ripped ones. I'm following you now, off to read your other posts- your pics look fab :)

  7. Such a great read! I'm definitely a fan of skinny jeans, sometimes super high-waisted too! Don't really own any others haha x

    Lizzie // xBeautyMagic // YouTube

  8. I like skinnies and sometimes flares, but I really want to get into wearing boyfriend jeans because they look so comfy! I followed you on bloglovin. (:

    xx Sierra

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Love the skinnies and boyfriend jeans! :) x

  11. I am all about high waisted jeans, Topshop Jonis are by far my faves xx

  12. I love high waisted jeans!
    I live in them..I used to love boyfriend jeans but I look awful in baggy jeans (not skinny jeans) because I'm so skinny, so I look ridiculous I reckon.
    UK High Street Fashion

  13. I wish I was brave enough to try mom or boyfriend jeans but I've not quite reached that point yet- really want to soon though! Great post <3

  14. Hi Heleena I enjoy your blog so I nominated you for Liebster award more information you can find here:

  15. I was just about to nominate you for the Liebster Award but it looks like you've already been nominated (^) - I would love to read your answers to my questions though.
    The Other Dream Girl x
    The Liebster Award

  16. I love the Topshop High waist skinny jeans!
    Would you like to follow each other via GFC? Please let me know on my blog so I can follow you back!

  17. I’m in love with your blog! It was so interesting to read your posts and also I’d like to say that you have beautiful photos! I’ll be happy to see you in my blog!)

    Diana Cloudlet

  18. Ahh I'm literally on the hunt for some new jeans atm and really struggling to find a 'perfect pair' so this inspo has really helped! Never thought to look in jack wills.

  19. You're right, flared jeans are definitely going to be 'the next big thing'. My favorite type of jeans are boyfriend jeans or high waisted jeans. Great post ♥
